Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back to school!

On Monday the 2nd of May we didn't go to school because it was a bank holiday so on Tuesday the 3rd of May we were back in school and nothing really really happened apart from doing my car in Technology which was alright because I was just marking out on a piece of like metal. In Pastoral Care we watched some more of Gran Torino and then in Religion we watched the end of it and it was so sad because Walt died to save Thao. :( In Home Ec we were supposed to be cooking but I didn't know anything about it so I didn't really make anything, I just went around and helped people and helped tidy up. On Wednesday the 4th of May we were supposed to be having a history test but because Ms. McH is so nice she let us have it on the following week because she thought that we forgot about the test and we wouldn't be prepared for it. Over the next few days there will be exams going on for the first and second years. I remember when that was me and I would get so nervous about failing but that's all different now, Most people now are just studying like all the time and for the girls doing their junior and leaving cert, I just want to say that you's will do great. I think in the next few weeks I will be doing my exams as well but it wont be like a proper exam, it will be like projects that count for 60% of our overall marks! If only every year was like TY.

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