Currently I am in a group of 6; Bebhinn, Lauren T., Davina, Alison, Stephanie S. and me. It's really fun and there is no conflict because we are all good friends. We descided to call our Mini-company "Beady Bits", because we now are buying beads from a small shop in town called the Yellow Brick Road, we make beads and sell them to people from our school. We have all different shapes and sizes of beads some are big and some are tiny but when we put them together just equals to perfection. Instead of paying people to manufacture the beads we make them ourselves and I think we make a pretty good team.
were our first attempt at making them but we had to change them because the beads cost too much. We now buy beads that are about 100 for like 2 euro.
Out of our group a few of us have actually bought some of the bracelets including me. :P Me and bebhinn bought breast cancer ones and I bought 2 other ones which I made and i wanted to have. We all have our first attempts at the Breast Cancer bracelets, we only made about 5 or 6 because the beads were like 20 cent each!
I think that we are selling the bracelets untill the end of the year or untill we run out of money. We made a lot of money from our first batch and we are now on our second batch. They are selling really fast and we are really proud of them. Some of our teachers are saying that they are really pretty and that we will go far in the competition.
Here are some of the bracelets that I have: