Saturday, February 5, 2011

Web Committee

Me and my friend Aisling wanted to do something in school, like join a club so Last Monday we went to the Web Committee just to see whether we would like to go to it again. When we got there, there was mostly 6th years, nerves kicked in. Ms. McG and Ms. W are the teachers that run it. I have heard from another girl who goes there that the two of them are really fun and let you have fun there. Me and Aisling just walked around just looking at what the other people were doing and they we updating the school website. Ms. W came over to us and asked whether we would like to do our first sort of mission. We said ok and asked what it was. She wanted us to go down to the kitchen where the 6th Years we having sort of a little party because I think they won a Maths competition. So I took a list of the girls names so that we could congratulate them on the website. Aisling took a piture of the group of students and Ms. B and Ms. L was there aswell so the picture turned out very well.


  1. Im on the web committe and im not a 6th year.....

  2. oh Siobhan, I said mostly 6th years, I shouldv'e said there was 6th years and Siobhan instead. :)
